This is a picture my neice Isabel made me. She's quite talanted! Had a great weekend at my brother's house in Cleveland. For the most part, Brutus behaved. He didn't pee on the floor at all, so that was a plus! He had a great time with his doggie cousins, Glacier, Bailey, and Darby. He had extra fun with Bailey, who he ran and chased with all weekend. He will get another chance to play with him in July when Bailey and Darby will be having a week long sleepover. I'm sure he will have loads of fun! Brutus was totally exhausted after this fun filled weekend. He slept the whole ride home in the car, and was wiped out the remainder of the night when we got home. Have picure and video to post, hopefully later tonight. Tonight we are off to Nosework practice. He's been on a week long break. Sunday he begins his first Agility class.
A day in the life of my Rottweiler, Brutus. I bought Brutus from a private breeder on June 30, 2010. His birthday is April 1, 2010. The sweet, soft, pup I picked up turned into a wild, rough, knuckle-head over night. He has tested me every day I've had him. He weighed 17.5 pounds at 12 weeks, last recorded weight was 104.8 pounds. He has attended 3 Obedience classes, Beginners NoseWork and 101 Dog Tricks. He is now attending Agility. He's a wonderful dog to train and learns quickly.
my picture!!!!! Thank you for posting it! :)