Sunday, May 8, 2011

Back to the crate Downstairs

Set up a crate in my bedroom for Brutus.  Have been feeling guilty about having him sleep downstairs.  Thought I'd try the second crate in my room, since I have 2 extra large crates.  Well...... it lasted about 5 minutes.  He was barking and carrying on at the cats, who spend the evenings in my room.  He wouldn't relax.  Wouldn't lay down.  Wouldn't calm down.  Just seemed all out of sorts..... so back downstairs to his crate, where he seemed much happier.  I may give it another shot tonight, but doesn't look to promising.  He also began whining the last two evening at 3:30am.  Not sure whats going on there.  He usually sleeps all night, and snores all night!

Today is our first agiligy class at 5:00 pm.  Can't wait to see what happens with this!  Should be amusing!

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