A day in the life of my Rottweiler, Brutus. I bought Brutus from a private breeder on June 30, 2010. His birthday is April 1, 2010. The sweet, soft, pup I picked up turned into a wild, rough, knuckle-head over night. He has tested me every day I've had him. He weighed 17.5 pounds at 12 weeks, last recorded weight was 104.8 pounds. He has attended 3 Obedience classes, Beginners NoseWork and 101 Dog Tricks. He is now attending Agility. He's a wonderful dog to train and learns quickly.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Brutus has fun in a mud hole today.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Brutus splashing in the pool
Pulled out the doggie pool today since it was so nice and warm! Think I may need a bigger one this year!
Brutus checking out the neighborhood
Brutus digging a hole
Brutus is digging a hole to China! It's about 8 inches deep now. Soon time to fill it in and let him start over before he ends up digging up someones pet! Yuck!
Agility set up.... Brutus starts class in may
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Brutus & his Easter basket
I probably shouldn't have gave Brutus his Easter Basket until after he ate his food. He was only worried about the basket. He ate one bone, played with a few toys that we opened, and eventually decided to eat his food! Just like a little kid!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Sixth nosework class (5)
Another Easter Egg run..... he got a little side tracked during this one, stopped to play with the eggs a little, but found the hide, which was elevated this time.
Sixth nosework class (4)
This was his first run with the hide being in an Easter Egg. He smashed one to pieces, but found the prize rather quickly.
Sixth nosework class (3)
This was our first "blind hide," where the handler does not know which box the hide is in. The box is taped shut, and no access to the food in the container. One run he found pretty quick, the other teo runs took a little more time, but he worked it out!
Sixth nosework class (2)
In this run, the hide was under the container. There was no access to the food, it was in a sealed container. He found this quickly.
Sixth nosework class (1)
In this run, the hide of blue cheese was in a small magnetic container, stuck to the side of that box. I wasn't sure if he would find this, but he made me proud and found it rather quickly!
Sixth NoseWork Class
Today we attended our sixth Beginners Nosework Class. Our final class of the course. We've already signed up for the Intermediate class. Brutus always has so much fun working at this class. He's always worn out on the way home, and usually for a while after we get home. Today we worked on some variations of things we already done. Hide being under objects, at heights and also in a magnetic container stuck on the side of a box. We also did a blind hide.... where the handler doesnt know which box it's in, boxes taped shut. We had a hide, which is appropriate for thie weekend, in Easter eggs! Brutus had fun with these, thinking these were play toys. Smashed one into pieces! He did well with these runs. Overall he did great today. He had one or two runs , in the sealed boxex, that took a bit longer, but he did work it out. We did a few runs outside for the first time. Back to basics with these run..... open boxes. These 3 runs he found quickly. He was happy to see his doggie crush, Tess, and can't wait to video tape them together next time! Next, I'm off with Brutus to check out an agilty class, an openhouse with his previous trainer. Sure he would love to do this too! Video's coming soon....
Thursday, April 21, 2011
He did it!
Last of 6 trick class
Well tonight is the last of my 6 trick classes. Bruts will attempt to get his Novice Trick Dog (NTD) Title tonight. He need to know 15 tricks under the easy category. He knows 15 tricks, and does them well at home.... it's just getting him to preform them at class tonight! He's often excitable while around other dogs. We will attempt 15 of these 18 : Back up, Come, Doggie Push ups, Down, Jump over a bar, Kisses, Place(circle to my left), Sit, Stay, Shake (both paws), Spin Circles, Bow, Touch Target, Paws on my Arm, Crawl, Head down, Walk through tunnel, Honk horn. Wish us luck !
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Mmmmm..... Your dog's mouth will water!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Only Me!
Ok, so it was a relatively quiet day at home with Brutus. He likes to "go do laundry" with me.... which I started since he has been able to go up and down the basement stairs. Mainly because I can't leave him unintended, secondly, because he's like my shadow in the house. Well, his new game is to steal the laundry.... from the floor, the baskets, and even the dryer! Cute, but annoying.
Next, on to some doggie bone making. Parmesan Twists, and Parmesan Pretzels. I have to say these smelled good enough to eat. Brutus supervised the session, had a few samples, and didn't even have to steal any today!
Then some quiet time in the yard. NOT ! Well, it started that way. I was bust cleaning up the yard and Brutus was taking in the fresh air on the back porch. A lady came walking by with her Weim...... I looked at Brutus, he hadn't noticed him..... but I knew it was only a matter of moments. RIGHT! He notices him, flies down the stairs, as the lad stops to let her dog greet him. Bad idea! Well when Brutus hit the fence, and started ti bark, in his deep voice.... she was ready to leave. I was frasntic, because I know he's capable of jumping the fence. As he hit the fence, I grabbed his collar..... as she was walking away to get past us, Brutus kept running... with my fingers wrapped in his collar. I hit the ground, and I swear he dragged me across the yard. ONLY ME!!!!!!! Wow! This dog is a powerhouse! Luckily, in all this, he didn't jump the fence. Now this doesn't top him jumping through the window, but is definatly a memorable moment in the life of me and Brutus.............
Next, on to some doggie bone making. Parmesan Twists, and Parmesan Pretzels. I have to say these smelled good enough to eat. Brutus supervised the session, had a few samples, and didn't even have to steal any today!
Then some quiet time in the yard. NOT ! Well, it started that way. I was bust cleaning up the yard and Brutus was taking in the fresh air on the back porch. A lady came walking by with her Weim...... I looked at Brutus, he hadn't noticed him..... but I knew it was only a matter of moments. RIGHT! He notices him, flies down the stairs, as the lad stops to let her dog greet him. Bad idea! Well when Brutus hit the fence, and started ti bark, in his deep voice.... she was ready to leave. I was frasntic, because I know he's capable of jumping the fence. As he hit the fence, I grabbed his collar..... as she was walking away to get past us, Brutus kept running... with my fingers wrapped in his collar. I hit the ground, and I swear he dragged me across the yard. ONLY ME!!!!!!! Wow! This dog is a powerhouse! Luckily, in all this, he didn't jump the fence. Now this doesn't top him jumping through the window, but is definatly a memorable moment in the life of me and Brutus.............
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Today's Nosework class~ Held at Paws-itively Obedient Dog Training School
Spoiled Rotten Homemade Dog Treats......Taste Testers
My niece, Isabel, future star of the Spoiled Rotten Homemade Dog Treat Commercial, with her dogs Baily, Darby, and Glacier, taste testing the bones........ coming soon to a theater near you!
5th Nose Work Class today.
Well today will be our 5th Nose work Class. Beginners class is winding down with only one more class after today. Today's class will be held at Paws-itively Obedience Dog Training School. It's located between McEwensville and Turbotville, so quite a hike for us today. I've never been there before, so it should be an intresting drive. Anyone who knows me, knows how much I like driving in unfamiliar places! Here's the link, check it out: http://www.pawsitivelyobedient.net/album1_002.htm It should be a fun, tiring day for Brutus. Have some new meat scents in his container today..... kielbasa, and garlic meatballs, along with the canned chicken he loves. He will be wearing his belly band out in public for the first time today.... but only for his nosework runs. I dont want him lifting his leg all over someones indoor facility, nor do I feel like cleaning up after him all day either! He'll be gifting some new tuna bones to the other doggies in the class today... hope they like him as much as Brutus does. Bailey and Darby, my brothers dogs, seemed to love the sampler bag of treats I sent out to Ohio to them. I'll post the video later!
Brutus "waits" for breakfast
This is Brutus waiting for his breakfast. Very hard task for him since he is such a food motivated dog. I started teaching him "wait" entering and exiting the front door and eventually for his food. He use to plow me over when I would try to walk his food into the other room. He still gets excited and runs and jumps like a bunny when I walk to the other room, but now he waits patiently until I tell him "OK."
Friday, April 15, 2011
Dog Trick Class Update
Well, Brutus did ok at class again. He's so unfocused when he's there. He only has eyes for Silke, the trainer, when we are there. I'm practically invisible! Wew started new tricks.... heads down, ringing a bell, figure eights through our legs, honking a horn, and introduced a basin, for different tricks. Heads down went well. I'm sure at home in the quiet atmosphere he'll do even better. Figure eights was challenging for me... 5'2'' tall having a rottweiler go under your legs is intresting to say the least. Ringing the bell went well. He's pretty good at touch targeting, so had no problem touching the bells. Eventually I would like to have him ring the bell to go outside. I've worked on this trick before, but never really followed through with it. Honking the bike horn was my favorite! Off to buy one today to practice. He caught on quick to the biting the horn, he is a very mouthy dog, so had no problem. He actually got it to honk 3 times, so I was pretty excited. The basin will be used for tricks like circling it, paws up on it, standing on it, putting things in it..... we'll see what happens there. I'me pretty sure I can eventually teach him the "step up", been considering this trick for a while. He also got some free play time with the sweet little doggie in his class..... Tess. They has fun, he did well, and I think he may have a bit of a crush on her now! He'll be off to Petco with me today, so he should have a pretty good day in store for him. Also making the tuna dog bones today... so yummy treats for him to taste test later!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
101 Dog Trick Class
Tonight we are off to our Dog Trick Class. Hopefully Brutus behaves! He's really been throwing temper tantrums lately.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Brutus & the Hula Hoop
This is Brutus and the Hula Hoop. Brutus is suppose to be jumping through the Hula Hoop. Instead, he's destroying it! I did get him to jump through once, walked through a few times, and plowed through twice. Other than that....... just reshaping the hoop!
Not too much planned for today....
Not too much planned today for Brutus. Hopefully less drama than the dive through the window yesterday. We've done one practic session this morning, and a few more to come today. Brutus will still not rollover for me anymore. This ia a trick he's been doing for months, and has given up now. I seriously think he can't get himself to roll. I think those last 8 pounds did him in! :) He's relaxing with his Kong now....
Monday, April 11, 2011
What's this?
So Brutus is like " hey, what's this in the window? This doesn't look the same as it did before when I escaped!"
Fort Knox!!!!????
My house is starting to look like Fort Knox with all these gates up! Baby gates in the window...great idea Stephanie, thanks again. Hopefully it keeps him in the house.
Brutus just jumped through this window to get outside in the yard because a dog was walking by. Through the screen, and broke the frame! Guess I won't be opening the front windows this summer. It will be a hot summer or I'll be having a high electric bill running the AC.
Refresher Class
Brutus is off to an Obedience Refresher class tonight. And boy does he need it! So do I !
Sunday, April 10, 2011
This is what happens when I don't give Brutus my full undivided attention. A tornado goes through the room! Boy, I wish I would have known in advance what a poor selection couch style I chose..... How can you be TOO mad at such a cute face!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Ashamed to say this....
So tired!
I'm a Big Boy Now!
I'm a big boy now! Mama started the switch over to adult dog food.....Too bad for her that I won't actually mature until I'm over 2 years old! That means she'll have to put up with my random temper tantrums for a couple years yet.... heheheheh.......
Friday, April 8, 2011
Male belly wrap
Not sure if it can get any more humiliating than this for a Rottweiler! Male wrap: directions: position the wrap so the microfiber pad covers your dog's masculinity. Sorry Brutus.... but I will not be able to help myself from cracking diaper jokes, but I promise not to take you outside while wearing it! This is strictly for indoor until you are over the UTI or marking, which ever it is that makes you want to spritz inside!
Trick Class
Well, Brutus did ok at Trick class. He seemed to mostly worry about what the other dogs were doing. The antiobiotics could be affecting him a bit. He loves Silke, his trainer, and seems to listen to her better than me. Weird, it's like they know they are the professionals, and want to impress them??? Can't figured it out! I noticed that this same thing happened with his previous trainer. He started jumping through a hoop, although he does tend to just plow through the hoop. Guess today's goal will be to buy a hoop. He has previously broke 2, with my hoop jumping attempts. We reviewed, shake. Does this great with both paws. He demonstrated his "Paws up." This trick he learned in just minutes.... he absolutely LOVES jumping up, so think he actually enjoys this! I'm going to get video of that posted today. Also trying to prep him to have him sit/beg. I've been trying to do this for months, but he can't seem to support himself to sit up on his butt. Take it / Drop it...... a real struggle for me... this will take some work. Tomorrow is our 4th NoseWork class...... he loves this!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Raw bones..... My favorite!
Brutus is chillin' with his raw bone. He absolutely loves them! I can't believe it took me so long to catch on to the raw bone frenzy. They are much cheaper and much healthier than anything else.
All I have to do is run to the grocery store and he's set. Tonight is trick class..... I'm excited to see what we are doing with the old sock and rope!
All I have to do is run to the grocery store and he's set. Tonight is trick class..... I'm excited to see what we are doing with the old sock and rope!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Feeling better
Brutus is feeling much better today. No more sneezing! He was his normal wound up self! I guess those $197 antibiotics I got him work well. Didn't get much training in the last 3 days because he couldn't be bothered. Tomorrow will be a fresh start and I'm sure he will be attending his Trick class. We're suppose to take some favorite toys and chews, and old sock, and a piece of rope to tie on the sock. Not quite sure what we are doing, but maybe using the sock and rope to open doors??? Hmmmm.... Guess we'll find out tomorrow. I'll have to get a good training session in tomorrow before class. Brutus has also given up on rollover. He knew this trick since he was a couple months old, and has completely refused to do it the last 3 days. Think I need to talk this over with his trainer, Silke.
Brutus's Grandfather
A picture of Brutus's Grandfather. With any luck, one day he will fill out nicely, just like Pappy! You can definitely see the family resemblance.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Vet results
Brutus had a thorough exam today. Overall, nothing too serious. He weighed in at 103.3 pounds. With the help of the vet tech, I was able to get the urine sample. Luckily, she did the hard part! He did have a low grade temperature. Through the urinalysis , he determined that he has a UTI, possibly Prostatitis. Also has a slight upper respiratory infection. Treating him with Clavamox, 2 pills, twice a day, which will treat any of these things. The price of these antibiotics was totally outrageous! Also got microchipped today. The vet he seen today was not his normal vet, although he works with her. He absolutely loved Brutus and complemented him numerous times. Hopefully, this vet trip is the last for a while!
Off to the vet
Driving to Danville for a vet appointment for Brutus at 1:30pm. Still sounds conjested, sneezing, and runny nose. Tried getting a urine sample, but no luck. He's too smart! Everytime I put the cup under there he stops peeing! Hopefully everything goes well. Hoping to get him microchipped today too.
Under the weather
Well, I believe Brutus is coming down with something. I started to suspect something last night. He had no interest in training. Then I noticed the sneezing and a bit of a runny nose. When I called the vet, they were already closed. He's sounding congested and pawing at his nose. He has been peeing a lot lately and I've been wondering what was going on. Maybe a urinary tract infection and cold. I can't relax until I get the vet today and know I have an appointment. Had a hard time sleeping last night with the worry.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
1. If I like it, it's mine.
2. If it's in my mouth, it's mine.
3. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
4. If I can take it from you, it's mine.
5. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours.
6. If it just looks like mine, it's mine.
7. If I saw it first, it's mine.
8. If it's edible, it's mine.
9. If you have something and put it's down, it's mine.
10. If I chew something up, all the pieces are mine.
11. If I get tired of it, it's yours.
12. If I want it back, it's mine.
1. If I like it, it's mine.
2. If it's in my mouth, it's mine.
3. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
4. If I can take it from you, it's mine.
5. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours.
6. If it just looks like mine, it's mine.
7. If I saw it first, it's mine.
8. If it's edible, it's mine.
9. If you have something and put it's down, it's mine.
10. If I chew something up, all the pieces are mine.
11. If I get tired of it, it's yours.
12. If I want it back, it's mine.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Today Brutus attended his third beginners NoseWork class. This class was held at the gym of the Bloomsburg Elementary school. This space was a lot bigger than his previous two classes. We have also added additional hiding places, other than just cardboard boxes. This class also has the "hide" zipped in a cloth bag, with only 1 piece of food outside the bag. It's amazing how Brutus so quickly goes into work mode when unleashed. You can see his excitement in his prance when first released from leash. Class completely wore him out. He slept like a baby for more than an hour when we came home!
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