Ok.... so Brutus passed his 101 Dog Trick class. This is his Achievement Certificate. He had a great time tonight, although it was a lot of effort keeping his attention. Anything that he does at home easily, is 10 times harder with the distractions of other dogs. These are the tricks he did : Back up, Crawl, Doggie Push Ups, Down Jump through Hoop, Jump Over Bar, Kisses, Place, Shake Hands, Sit, Spin, Stay, Bow, Tunnel, Touch Target, Figure 8's, Head Down, Paws on Arm, and Ring Bell. I'm VERY proud of him. He also had some free play time at the end of class with Tess.....his doggie crush. They had such a fun time running and chasing each other! The excitement and happiness just pours out of him. At one point, they were chasing each other around this wall, and Brutus was stopping and peeking through the holein it at her on the other side. It was the cutest thing ever. Next time, I will definatly video tape, don't know why I didn't think of it earlier! So he also achieved his NTD, Novice Dog Trick, Title.
http://domorewithyourdog.com/pages/trickdogtitle.html You can check this link to see what it's all about. His trainer, Silke, is an Certified Dog Trick Trainer. You can also see he name listed under the novice and intermediate titles with her dogs, Eddie & Ronya. As soon as I send in the slip I'll receive my Title certificate, and Brutus and I will be listed on the web site too! I'll surely be reposting when it's listed!
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